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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

My Favourite Movie

Good morning everyone,

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We all have our favorite movie,so today I will be talking about mine.My favourite movie is *The rescue "(a Chinese movie)

The rescue was produced by Candy leung and was directed by Dante Lam.

The rescue main actors were Eddie peng as (Gao Xian),and Xin Zhilei as(Fang yuling).

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The rescue is a movie that talks about a rescue unit within the chinese coast guard who are forced to overcome their personal differences to resolve a crisis in the country.

They were rescue team who risked their lives in order to save people that are involved in an accident ,and also prevent them from losing their lives.

.There we're about 8 of them in the rescue team 2 of them lost their lives ,and so they were only 6 of them remaining.

Gao xian wasn't a member of the rescue team ,but because he lost his beautiful wife in a car accident ,he decided that he would always give in whatever it takes to rescue people who are involved in an accident,and so that was how he joined the rescue team.

Gao xian became best friends with Fang Yuling,and that was how they became important members of the rescue team.

Gao xian faced many frustrations and challenges ,his wife died,his little son undergoes a surgery because couldn't see properly due to a pressure in his optic nerve,but with courage and perseverance he was able to overcome his fears.


This movie teaches that we should never lose hope, life is full of ups and downs ,full of sudden disasters,but still we should be ready to fight till our last breath.

That's my favourite movie,I will advice you go watch it Asap,it's just a 2020 movie ,and I am sure you won't regret watching it.


Thanks for checking my blog,Have a nice day ahead.

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My Favourite Movie was published on and last updated on 03 May 2021.