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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

My favourite traditional food ,EBA.

Hello everyone,

Here is my entry for @FoodiesbeeHive .


I will like to use this medium to say a big thank you to @ocd for giving me this opportunity to also participate in this great contest.

I am a Nigerian,and my favourite traditional food is Eba.

Eba is a food mainly eaten by the Yorubas in the western part of Nigeria.


Materials needed to prepare Eba

1.Garri;This is made when cassava tubers are grated or crushed into grains.


2.Turning stick


3.Hot water



This kind of bowl is just applicable for just a person or two people,if you are going to be preparing for many people then you need to get a bigger bowl.



How to prepare Eba Put the kettle on the gas on fire with warm water and leave it until it starts bringing out gas.

Pour the hot water into the bowl and then pour your garri into the bowl containing hot water and make sure you the garri reaches the amount of hot water inside the bowl.

Use the turning stick to stir,keep on stirring until it gets soft and make sure they are no lumps in it ,after stirring,taste it to know if it's soft already.

After doing this ,your Eba is ready.

You can see it doesn't take much steps to prepare ,easy to prepare, and soft .

It's my favourite food because it's easy to prepare,it has a different taste from other Nigerian traditional food,and it also satisfies the stomach and make the stomach full.Its soft and ,and it tastes nice and good if it is well prepared.

Thanks for reading,have a nice day.

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My favourite traditional food ,EBA. was published on and last updated on 17 May 2021.