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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

My introduction to hive.


My name is Sotubo oluwajuwon. I am 18 yrs old,I am from a family of five and I am the 5th and also the last child of the family. I live in Ogun state Nigeria which is my state of origin.


I studied in Mayflower Private school ikenne Remo ,Ogun state. I would continue my studies in babcock private University where I would study Agricultural science.


I love making impact in people's lives. I also enjoy meeting new people,listening to music and hanging out with my friends.


I would like to join the Bible readers community and learn God's words to improve me spiritually, morally and mentally.



I was referred to hive by @adesojisouljay .

I hope to add more value to the hive blockchain as I would be sharing quality and creative contents.

Thank you all for reading and for granting me a warm welcome into the community.

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My introduction to hive. was published on and last updated on 01 Mar 2021.