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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

My charming school friend

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few days ago,I saw a good friend of mine we went to the same secondary school and so since when we left school i have not been able to get in touch with him,and I have been wanting to see him again .

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I got his contact from one of our classmates and I was able to get in touch with him,I asked him where he was staying and I went to see him ,and so we decided to hangout and i took some good shots.

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I was very happy to see him,He's just 20 and it has been awesome to see him become a responsible adult .He is now cuter and more handsome than before,I mean man now gat beards .

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Thanks for stopping by,have a nice day.

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My charming school friend was published on and last updated on 08 Apr 2021.