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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Newbies Initiative Final Task - Progress Recap & Feedback

Good day everyone,



It has been a thing of joy and anxiety joining the Newbie iniative program.

This is our last task as newbies on this platform ,and it involves Checking how far you have progressed on the blockchain ,and also to know what you have been able to achieve since you joined the Newbies-intiative program.

My set up goals .Hive reputation - 64 .Hive power - 500 .Followers - 45 .Upvotes - 6000 .Hive dollars- $20.00 .Number of published posts - 190

This is how I stand now .Hive reputation- 60 . Hive power - 354.593 . Followers - 14 . Upvotes -4500+ .Hive dollars- 10.319 . Number of Published posts-190

Did you reach your goals? Hmmm,as you can see I wasn't able to achieve most of my goals,I feel like the one I couldn't achieve and is very important are my followers,I have been trying to engage with people more on the blockchain,but still I find it hard to get someone to follow me,I can't say the reason for this,Maybe it's because they don't like what I do or post,or because I don't give good or appropriate comments on people's posts,this is something I have been battling with for days,as I have been having the mindset of just doing my thing and not trying to comment on people's posts any longer,since I don't get anyone to follow me,but still I will continue giving my best ,and try as much to engage and interact with users on the blockchain.

How much hp do you have? Joining the Newbie intiative I had a total of 182 hp due to that I have been staking my hive,and now I have a total of 354.593hp which means my hive power increased by 172.593.Although,my goal was to get 500hp,which I could accomplish ,but still I think I tried my best,and I hope I can achieve that in the coming month , because I am aware of the fact that hive power is really important and it's one of the major thing to get on the blockchain.

What was your best performing post? My best performing post in the newbie intiative program ,was the post I made on the Ecotrain QOTW which says Who are the most relevant people of our time to you,the support I got from this post was overwhelming and surprising, because I Never thought I could get as much upvotes as I got in the post. Thanks to those who supported the post,also thanks to those who supports my posts in the little way they can.

How many new friends did you make? I made just 4 new friends they are @merit.ahama,@maryjacy,@projectmamabg,and @mrenglish,they are really nice and lovely people,they have really helped me through this iniative ,and I must say it's been nice meeting them .

What was the toughest thing to learn? The toughest thing to learn for me so far,is still how I can make people follow or have interest in what I do or post,this really baffles me alot,and I would love to know or learn how to do that.

Feedback on the newbie iniative program and Hive The newbie intiative program is actually one of the best program you can ever find on the hive blockchain. Thanks to those who brought about the iniative program.

Are you a new user on the blockchain? If you are ,make sure you apply for the June Batch ,and I am sure you won't regret doing that. To know more about this go check at @aliento's blog.


Thanks for reading ,and have a nice day.

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Newbies Initiative Final Task - Progress Recap & Feedback was published on and last updated on 29 May 2021.