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Nigerian women wins the 2021 FIBA Afrobasket.

Hello hivers and fellow Nigerians.

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The Nigerian women's basketball team called D"Tigress emerged champions of Africa on Sunday( 26 September 2021 after securing a 70-59 points win 8ver Mali in the final match of the 2021 Women Afrobasket competition.

After winning two consecutive titles the D''Tigress secured a third victory against Mali at the Polaris Polyvalent des sports in Yaounde, Cameroon.

From the beginning of the game D"Tigress had greater chances of winning after blowing away Mali with 22-11 points.

One of the things that gave D"Tigress upper hands at the 2021 women Afrobasket was the fact that each of their players could make the ball enter into the basket.

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The D"Tigress are now officially the best women basketball team in Africa after they were able to defeat and win against four of the top five basketball teams in Africa.

They are the second team in Africa to win three consecutive titles 2017,2019,2021 after senegal also did the same in 1970s.

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Nigeria now has five women's Afrobasket titles ,the second with most titles after Senegal who has won the title 11times.

Two players(Skipper Elonu ,Ezinne Kalu) from the team were both added into the list of the team of the tournament.

While the team's captain ,Skipper Elonu won the Most valuable Player(MVP) of the Tournament after been voted for.

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You could see we the Nigerians are most times the best at what we do,I think we deserve some accolades for that.

Anyways,Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day ahead

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Nigerian women wins the 2021 FIBA Afrobasket. was published on and last updated on 28 Sep 2021.