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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Ojude Oba festival

Good day everyone,

The Ojude festival is celebrated by people from Ijebu Ode in Ogun State situated in the Western part of Nigeria. The festival takes place on the third day of eid-el-kabir( which is usually called ileya in yoruba language)to pay homage and respect to the Royal Majesty,the king of ijebuland(Awujale).

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The Ojude Oba festival is an annual event whereby indigenes of different age groups,their friends and people from far and near parade to the King's palace(Awujale)for the carnival-like celebration.

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The festival is celebrated to foster unity among the people of Ijebu-land.The OjudeOba festival festival is usually spiced with music,dance and riding of horse with different decoration's on it's body.

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It's a well celebrated festival as politicians, businessmen and other prominent people from different parts of the country also partake in the festival in order to pay homage to the king(Awujale of ijebu-land).

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Christmas , salah and New year may be the most popular celebrations in Nigeria,but for an average ijebu man and woman,there is nothing compared to the Ojude-Oba festival.

Thanks for reading.

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Ojude Oba festival was published on and last updated on 17 Sep 2021.