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Sotubo Oluwajuwon


Good day everyone ,

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My today's challenge is to choose between *Piercings/Tattoos"

I am still young ,and I don't have piercings or tattoos on me.

Yeah, I believe tattoos will look good on me ,so maybe later in the future,or when am married with kids,I probably get to design the pictures of my wife and my kids ,on my thighs and my arms .

Piercing is out of it. I can't just withstand letting someone punch a hole through me,or maybe cut some parts of my body,and I also believe I won't look good with any piercing.

So,if am to choose between piercings or tattoos,I would go for tattoos,but not having to design my body with too many tattoos.


Thanks for checking my blog,Have a nice day .

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Piercings/Tattoos. was published on and last updated on 04 May 2021.