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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Points obtained from today's Mass indoctrination.

Christ doesn't teaches us to be Like the Jehovah witness who believe Church is not necessary or important. Some people believe that the age of church is over which isn't true.

The church of God is an important institution of Christ and also it makes the wisdom of God known. Jesus Christ purchased the church with his own blood

Acts chapter 20 vs 28 says Take need therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock ,over which the Holy ghost hath made you overseers ,to feed the church of God ,which he hath purchased with his own blood.

When Jesus Christ said he was going to build his own church,he spoke what his father had commanded him to say.

John 12 vs 49 says For I have not spoken of myself but the father who sent me ,he gave me a commandment,which i should say and what I should speak.

Everything that God created or made should be called in his name be it Angel of God, spirit of God or church of God .

The true church should be named the church of God and not Roman Catholic Church or Lutheran Church or Foursquare ,or every other church which is not called in the name of God.

Isiah chapter 43 vs 7 says Even every one that is called be my name for I have created him for my glory ,I have formed him,yea I have made him.

Even our Lord Jesus Christ was or is also called the Christ of God ,the book of Luke chapter 19 vs 20 tells us that peter replied the people and he said unto them that Jesus Christ is the Christ of God.

Joining the church is one of our primary doctrines of Jesus Christ ,but before we join the church of God we need to be baptized and also we need to accept the word of God .

Thanks for stopping by,may u always be blessed.

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Points obtained from today's Mass indoctrination. was published on and last updated on 13 Apr 2021.