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Process through which Nigerians celebrate wedding ceremonies

There are majorly three wedding ceremonies celebrated in Nigeria ,the first one is the introduction ceremony,then the traditional wedding , then the last one is the church or mosque weddings.

The first wedding is the Introduction ceremony (courtship)

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In the Nigerian culture no matter how long you have been courting your partner until there is a formal introduction ceremony the relationship remains unrecognised or unacceptable. However, this is telling family and well wishers that the couple is ready to tie the proverbial knot.

This introduction ceremony according to tradition must hold in the bride-to-be’s family home. During the ceremony, her fiance’s people will come to pay their respects to her family and clearly “state their intentions”, at this point there must be an acceptance from the lady's family when the official proposal has been concluded successfully, both families share food and drinks. This ceremony is however as good as one of the three wedding ceremonies observed in Nigeria. Let's talk about it.

The second wedding is the traditional wedding

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Nigerians are expected to have three different wedding ceremonies, at which one is as relevant as the other. After the introduction ceremony has been concluded then the next wedding is the traditional wedding. Depending on what part of the country you’re from. There are lots of activities on this day that involves mass prostrations, flogging, wine carrying, bride price, picking out your spouse from a line of thoroughly-veiled women.

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After the traditional wedding has been concluded, then the court and church/mosque weddings will commence. This way, the union has been recognised by the provision of Nigerian traditions, religion, and civil law. One common thing will all three weddings is that they involve feasting.

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Process through which Nigerians celebrate wedding ceremonies was published on and last updated on 05 Oct 2021.