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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Shadow contest round 173

Good day everyone,

Thanks to the organizers of this contest in persons of @melinda010100 and @hive-179097.

So today I will be participating in the Shadow contest round 173.

This is a Christmas tree majorly used during Christmas time,we make use of it for playing various Xmas songs.


Over here is a Shadow of me placing my hand on the Christmas tree.


The second one is a shadow of a kettle with handle used for heating or boiling water.


Lastly,I have the electric blender which is used for mixing ,and crushing down food and other substances.We only make use of it for crushing pepper and fruits to get the fruit juice.


I will like the first image to be considered for my entry.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

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Shadow contest round 173 was published on and last updated on 07 Jun 2021.