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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Shadow hunters contest round 190

Good day everyone!

I will be participating in the shadow hunters contest round 190

Today was a sunny day over here in Sagamu,Ogun state,Nigeria and so I had to look for places in our compound where there are shadows and I took pictures of them.


Over here,is the shadow of a care tyre.


This is also a shadow of the tyre.


This is a shadow of a drum where my mum do keep the kerosene she sells.


Here,is a shadow of a long metallic iron placed at the back of our door.


Here is also a shadow of the long metallic iron.


This is a shadow of a long metal on a chiekens cage.


Same shadow here also.

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Shadow hunters contest round 190 was published on and last updated on 21 Oct 2021.