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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Show the antiques you have in your house challenge

Hello hivers ,

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Today ,I will be doing this #bloggingchallenge by showing some old things from my house,i really had fun finding these things ,i found some easily ,and I had to search through different places to find some antiques too,follow as I unravel them to you.


This is an antique kerosene stove used for cooking different meals.


This an antique wooden material used for slicing okra with knife.


Pan used in the olden days during parties for frying meats,fish and others.


An antique sharp television


These are the old things I was able to find In my house,not only that I was able to find them ,I was also able to find some beautiful memories that my parents brought to the present.

Thanks for reading.

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Show the antiques you have in your house challenge was published on and last updated on 25 Apr 2021.