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The Eurosian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo)

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Hi feathered friends💞💞

The Eurasian eagle owl is a a specie of eagle owl that can be found in Europe,Asia,and also Sahara in Africa. The owl can also called the the European Eagle Owl .

The owl is a very large bird in which the females grow to a total length of 75cm,with a wing span of 188cm about 6 of 2 inches in size with the male owl is slighty smaller than the female owl.

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The owl can be found in many habitats ,but it is mostly bird found in mountain regions and other Rocky areas,often those near varied woodland edge and shrubby areas both with openings or wetlands to hunt their prey.

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The owl is nocturnal predator,that hunts for a different prey species and feed on rodents reptiles ,birds of different sizes,insects ,fish and other invertebrates.

The female owl incubates the eggs and broods the young ones while the male owl provides food for her,until when they hatch for the nestlings. They both continue parental care for the young ones for about five months and about 12 subspecies of the owl is discovered.

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The owl has a disinctive ear lufts with upper parts that are mottled with darker blacklist colouring an tawny. Their wings and tales are barred. The underparts are variably hued buff,streaked with darker colouring.

The facial disc of the owl is not really viable and their orange eyes are distinctive .The owl typically breeds on Cliff ledges ,gullies among rocks and other concealed locations.

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The total length of the specie can vary from about 56 to 75cm (22 to 30 inches),the female can weigh from 1.75 to 6kg and the male owl can weight for about 3-9 pounds(1.2-4kg),and also the have a wingspan of about 5-6 feet.

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Asides the female owl been larger than the male owl,there is little external sexual dimorphism seem in the Eurosian Eagle owl.

The ear Tufts of the male tends to be more upright than those of the female.

The Eurosian Eagle owl is smaller than the golden eagle (Aquila chysaetos) but larger than the snowy owl(Bubo scandiacus),despite some overlap in size with both species.

The owl can live for up to 20 years in the wild and 60 years in captivity.

The can only lay a minimum of one egg and a maximum of two eggs in their nest.

Scientific classification of the owl are: Kingdom - Animalia Phylum - chordata Class - Aves Order - Stirigiformes Family - Stirigidae Genus - Bubo

They owls are nocturnal which means they work at night ,and they sleep or perch during the day.

This is the internal structure of the owl: images (19).jpeg Image source

Thanks for reading feathered friends💞💞.

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The Eurosian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) was published on and last updated on 09 Mar 2021.