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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

The most amazing act of kindness someone has ever done for me.

Good day everyone,i hope i meet you all doing good?

First of all,i would like to say a big thank you to the ecotrain community for this great and amazing question.


I am from a family of 12,i and my siblings are doing pretty good,though we are not very wealthy but still we are grateful for what we have,my mum is the breadwinner,though my dad his alive but he doesnt stay with us ,he stays with his second wife together with 5 kids which makes us 12.

Now in my own case,i have alot to thank many people for since i can say that i have recieved many acts of kindness in my life,some of them i can consider a grace or an undeserved favor,but amongst the ones i have experienced and am grateful for,i will be talking about a great favour my brother did to me.

My dad was never with us right from my childhood days,so i never experienced a fathers love,though he wasnt contributing to our household but he payed i and my siblings school fess(tuition fees)and everything i needed in school like notebooks and som other essential stuffs.He did all this for 8 years and then suddenly when i got to primary four for some reasons which wasnt known to me,he decided to stop paying my school fees ,so i had to stop going to school for some time.

But luckily for me,i had a senior brother who was studying at a russian university ,and was financially okay because he owned a website named (tooxclusive),heard about me not going to school and decided to send money over to my mum to help me out,this really made me happy ,though i missed some important classes,but still i glad to be back again in school ,and also join my other classmates.Another thing is he was the one who payed my tuition fees from that time till i finished studying in the secondary school.There is no way i would be able to pay him back for all he has done for me.

So yeah,thanks for reading and have an amazing day ahead.

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The most amazing act of kindness someone has ever done for me. was published on and last updated on 15 Aug 2021.