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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Three items I can not live without.

Happy weekend hivians,

I will be participating in the first question in the #weekend community by @galenkp which says:

1.Name three things you currently have that you cannot live without. Explain what they are, why you can't live without them and what negative impact their loss would bring. (Computers and phones are excluded from this question.)

1.Body cream

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I obviously can not live without my Body cream(Shea Butter) .Over the years I have had to always make use of body cream everyday after bathing. It usually makes my body looks fresh and glossy.

I always make sure I replace my body cream with a new one if the former one has finished.

There were days I tried not using my body cream and I could feel some types of itches on my body. My body cream is a very useful item of mine.


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Another item I cannot live without is my Pen.

The Pen is a very vital part of me,I make use of them in writing my notes, solving solutions ,doing my assignments and also for jotting down vital informations in class.

I could also make use of a pencil for writing,but it could easily fade off or be erased. With the ink i could have my informations stored in my book for a long period of time.

3.Nose mask

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Eversince the outbreak of Covid 19 pandemic in 2020.I have had to cultivate the habit of going along with nose mask to certain places like the bank,Market and so on.

Now that i am back in school,it has been an item I can't do without, without my nose mask I always feel incomplete.

Thanks for reading.

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Three items I can not live without. was published on and last updated on 06 Mar 2022.