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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

What aren't people talking enough about?

Good day everyone,

Today I will be participating in the ecotrain qotw which says"What are people not talking about?


Apart from the coronavirus pandemic that has been talked about ,one topical issue I feel should be talked about is the issue of sexual violence in Nigeria.

There have been widespread outcry over the rising of rape cases in Nigeria,there seems to be no end to the nemesis ,and it also seems as if the government is not trying to help in solving this problem.The sexual violation and murder of a 22 year Old university of Benin Undergraduate last year has increased the awareness of condemnation of sexual violence.The minister of women's affairs and development in Nigeria has claimed that over 2 million Nigerians (women and girls) are raped every year and most of these girls are actually ages between 1-15 and 16-25 years of age.

There was a recent case of a 42 years Old man,a nollywood actor who sexually assaulted a girl of about 14 years Old all in the name of she was beautiful. He was arrested by the police and was found guilty.Also according to reports he has actually assaulted the girl while she was 7 and now he came back to do the same while she is 14 but was caught due to Cctv cameras. At the end of the day,he was bailed out of prison.

The government we have isn't helping at all, someone who could commit such crime,is extremely wicked ,and he could do anything , instead of him to face the law and get punished he was released on bail.

This is the reason why many girls have committed suicide while some have had to live the rest of their lives dying in silence,since they believe if they speak out then people would begin to question their behavior,and would blame them for the crime been committed,and also they know those who were the rapist wouldn't be punished.

Last year was a very tough year in Nigeria,has we witnessed lot of Nigerian girls death due to rape and molestation.

Don't you think this issue of sexual violence or assault needs to be talked about?

Thanks for reading me.

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What aren't people talking enough about? was published on and last updated on 22 Sep 2021.