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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

What does freedom feels like?

Happy Sunday to you all.

Today I will be participating in the @abundance.tribe biweekly question which says"What does freedom feels like to you?


What is freedom?Freedom is letting go of some certain things.

Back then,I was chasing my happiness in a girl who I mistakenly believed was the right one for me.

When I first met her,my heart leapt of my chest,and she also loved me.There was a nice chemistry between us and being with her felt like home.

Things moved on smoothly and rapidly,but within a twinkle of an eye ,the relationship ended abruptly when her boyfriend returned to her.

Somehow she forgot to tell me this"I was in a relationship"Maybe then I wouldn't decided to be with her.

However I ignored all the signs and whisperings I supressed my feeling that It was not important enough for me to listen to the Truth .I have always believed that we would be together as one someday.

I was shocked , shattered ,depressed,and I couldn't move on without her in my life,getting her off my head wasn't easy either,I was bedridden with aches and pains.

With time I stopped into my life purpose and focus more on my life,and then I began to realize I was the only who could make me happy and no one else.I heard my inner voice say "You worth more than this "

I thought about what freedom really feels like,then i finally ended the the relationship and continued my journey to becoming a better version of myself .With time,little by little I was able to get her off my mind,and I walked a life of freedom.

Freedom is somewhat magical, but as soon as you admit to yourself what you already know and tell the truth to someone safe, you’ll start to feel a little more space in your internal world. You no longer have to hold yourself so tightly to protect your secrets and placate your fears. And you can start to imagine what it would feel like to be free.

To live a life without limits filled love,peace and joy is what freedom feels like to me.

I hope you enjoyed reading me,Bye for now.

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What does freedom feels like? was published on and last updated on 26 Sep 2021.