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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

What does the bible say about Anglo-isrealites descendants?

This video is in response to what I learnt from brother Eli's video;

The anglo-isrealites believe that they are descendants of the 10 tribes that were lost in israel,which isn't right because they were not tribes in israel that were lost,they still exist because it is a promise of God to the Israelites,that will always remain a nation.

During the time of the new testament,it is a teaching of Jesus Christ that we shouldn't classify tribes,the tribe you came from is no longer a topic or discussion of Jesus Christ.

1st Timothy 1 vs 4 (KJV) Neither give heed to fables,and less genealogies,which minister questions,rather than godly edifying which is in faith ,so do.

What is more important now is being a Christian,and not you been a Jew or a Greek,or you been a male or a female.

Galatians 3 vs 27&28(KJV) For as many of you as been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither ,Jew or Greek ,there is neither bond not free ,and there is neither male nor female.

Irrespective of who are ,or where we come from,we are equal in the sight of Jesus Christ ,If we are baptized in Christ.

Galatians 3 vs 29(KJV) And if ye be Christs ,then ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise.

The promise of God to the Israelites is that they will remain a nation.There is no verse in the bible that proves that 10 tribes of Israel were lost.There was only a division of Kingdom were in 10 tribes separated from 2,the 2 bacame the kingdom of Judaea ,and the other 10 became the kingdom of Israel,but they still exist till the coming of Jesus Christ.

The Israelites that are now in existence came from all those tribes ,and so therefore there was never a tribe in Israel that was lost.

Thanks for reading and watching me speak.Have a nice day 🤗🤗.

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What does the bible say about Anglo-isrealites descendants? was published on and last updated on 22 Apr 2021.