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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

What does the bible say about changing religion (part 1 of 3)

What I learnt from brother Eli's video;

Ephesians chapter 4 vs 11 says And he gave some Apostles,some prophets ,some evangelists,some pastors and some teachers.

If you are a teacher elected by Jesus Christ then you shouldn't be called a Sunday School teacher , because a teacher of God must be able teach the people the word of God everyday and only on Sundays ,churches like Seven day adventist Church call their teachers Sunday School teachers which isn't right. The Seven Day adventist church also believe that Sunday worship or Worshipping God on Sundays is a mark of the beast,this is a wrong teaching we musnt follow their believes.

Apostle Paul said in the book of 2nd Timothy chapter 3 vs 7 which says Every learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

The word Sunday School teacher is not a biblical term,and also in the bible , teachers are sent by God.

Thanks for reading.,Have a nice and a great day ahead.

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What does the bible say about changing religion (part 1 of 3) was published on and last updated on 13 Apr 2021.