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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

What does the bible say about changing religion (part 2 of 3)

This video is in response to what I learnt from brother Eli's video

There is no verse in the bible that says Baptist Church or Lutheran Church or Sunday school teacher.

If you are attending a Baptist or Catholic Church or other churches which is not called In the name of God then you are mislead by false pastors ,and as a matter fact those pastors will end up in the ditch, because they don't follow what was written in the bible.

There is one true church which is the church of God,all we need is to join the church by accepting the gospel .The church of God should be called by its owner ,why call your church fourquare or Baptist Church when it supposed to be called in the name of God.

The name of God is most powerful of all ,it's a strong tower ,the righteous ones run to him and are saved.

The bible also says A good name chosen is better than riches you can find this in the book of Proverbs chapt 22 vs 1 which says A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rater than silver and gold.

We are not Israelites or Hebrews we are gentiles members of the same body,which is the church of God..

If we truly believe in the bible,then we will love to join the church of God and not other churches,that are not called in the name of God.

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What does the bible say about changing religion (part 2 of 3) was published on and last updated on 15 Apr 2021.