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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

What does the bible say about serving in the military ?

This video is in response to what I learnt from brother Eli's video;

Hello my christian brothers and sisters,Happy new month.

Today I will be talking about the question which says "What does the bible say about serving in the military"

The main purpose of the military is for them to protect lives and property and not to kill people.

He also said that people who believe that the only purpose of the military is to kill people are short sighted.

Also,the bible doesn't prohibit you from becoming a solider .but as a soldier or a military man or woman you should always try not to kill criminals but rather apprehend them,and not kill them.

Also every creature are given the right to protect it itself from danger for example the snake was given the venom for it to protect itself .

Luke 3 vs 14 And the soldiers likewise demanded of him,saying And what shall we do?And he said unto them,Do violence to no man, neither accuse them falsely ,and be contented with your wages.

In a nutshell ,the military noble purposes is to protect lives and property and also defend the helpless and unarmed civilians.

Thank for reading me.

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What does the bible say about serving in the military ? was published on and last updated on 01 May 2021.