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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

What I learnt from yesterday(April 13)Mass indoctrination

The proper name of the congregation built by Jesus through God is church. The church of God was intended to be an institution or salvation of Christ.

Isiah 43 vs 7 says Even everyone that is called be my name ,for I have created him for my glory ,I have formed him,yeah I made him.

The church of God should be called by the owner which is God. Why name your church lutheran church or Baptist Church when it is supposed to be called the church of God.

Proverbs 18 vs 10 says The name of the Lord is a strong tower,the righteous ones run to him and be saved.

The name of God is the most powerful of all it's a strong tower,the righteous one run to him and are saved.

During the time of Jesus Christ there were many religious groups like sadducees,scribes and Pharisees ,Paul was also a member of the judaism religion before he was called out by God and was made an apostle of God.

Acts 20 vs 28 says Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock ,among which the Holy ghost has made you overseers [bishops],to feed the church of God,which he purchased with his own blood.

Bishops were made overseers in the church of God,and not a man who couldn't take care of his house.

The bible says A good name is rather chosen than riches.

Proverbs 22 vs 1 says A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches,loving favor than silver and gold.

If we truly believe in the bible,then we will love to join the church of God,and not Baptist or Catholic church.

He also talked about Buddhism he said Budda was buddhist from childhood he was a man and was called an experienced one and he was killed by poisonous mushrooms. How can u call ur god be killed by a poisonous mushrooms and yet you still decide to worship him.

The members of Hinduism religion worship cows and elephants ,while worship an animal instead of God ,you are worshipping an animal that are meant to be eaten by man,animals you are superior of .All animals can be tamed by man. According to science ,we belong to the animal kingdom but we are superior other animals.

James 3 vs 6 says For every kind of beasts and of birds and of serpents and of the things In the sea is tamed and hath been tamed of mankind.

Roman chapter 1 vs 5 says Who changed the truth of God into a lie,and worshipped and served the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever ,Amen.

There are eleven verses in the bible that says Church of God and yet you still decide to call it Church of Christ .

One of the verses is 1st Timothy 3 vs 15 which says But I tary long,thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God,which is the church of the living God, which is the pillar and ground of the truth.

We are not the church of God it is already written in the bible 2000 years ago in the bible. We are commanded to cleave to what is good,so we should join the church in the bible.

Romans 12 vs 19 says Let leave without dissimilation,Abhor what is evil,cleave to what is good.

We are gentiles and not Israelites or Hebrews ,we are members of the same body and the body is the church of God.

Ephesians 3 vs 6 says That the gentiles are follow heirs , members of the same body ,and partakers of the promise In Christ Jesus through the gospel.

To become members of the church in the bible ,we need to accept the gospel,You don't accept the gospel by raising your hands and saying you accept Christ,you accept Christ by following God's commandments.

Acts 10 vs 35 says But in every nation he that feareth him,and worth righteousness,is accepted by him.

The gospel is a doctrine of Christ

Corinthians 15 vs 12 says Moreover ,brethren declare unto you the gospel , which preached unto you,which also ye have received ,and when ye stand.

Another doctrine of Christ is singing

Psalms 30 vs 4 says Sing praise to the Lord,you his godly ones ,And give Thanks to his holy name.

Thanks for stopping by.

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What I learnt from yesterday(April 13)Mass indoctrination was published on and last updated on 15 Apr 2021.