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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

What is the proper way of dressing up

This video is in response to what I learnt from brother Eli's video:

Ist Timothy chapter 2 vs 9 says In like manner also that women adorn themselves in modest apparel ,with shamefacedness and sobriety ,not with braided hair ,or gold or pearls or costly array.

Nowadays ,woman now dress up in a way that the eyes are invited ,they invite people to stir at their bodies by exposing some certain parts of their body,which is an improper way of dressing up.

Nahum 3 vs 5 says Behold I am against there ,saith the Lord of hosts and I will discover they skirts upon thy face and I will show the nation's thy nakedness ,and the kingdoms thy shame..

It is a sin for a woman to show her nakedness to people ,they best way of dressing or the proper way of dressing as a Christian woman is wearing a modest apparel or putting on a simple dress with shamefacedness and sobriety and not with so many decorations.

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What is the proper way of dressing up was published on and last updated on 09 Apr 2021.