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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

What is the proper way of teaching the children about the church (part 2 of 2)

This video is in response to what I learnt from brother Eli's video;

Hebrew chapter 11 vs 24-26 says By faith Moses when he was come to years,he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter.,Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God,than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season,Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt,For he had respect unto the recompense of reward.

Moses rejected the pleasure of sin,and choose to enjoy the pleasure in serving God.

We need to assure the youth that there are pleasures of flesh, pleasure of sin,but they are not permanent,and also assure them that there is pleasure in serving God.

When you make them realise this things ,they will learn to turn their back or stay away from pleasures of sin like taking drugs,smoking or participating in worldly activities.

In a nutshell ,You teach the children about church,by using the word of God to open their minds to the reality's in life and to the realities that is to come.

Thanks for reading my post .May the good Lord bless you.

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What is the proper way of teaching the children about the church (part 2 of 2) was published on and last updated on 18 Apr 2021.