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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

What makes me happy.

Hello everyone!

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Today I will be talking briefly about what makes me happy.

First of all,let's talk about happiness itself. Happiness is about getting inner satisfaction and we'll being of body and mind. Happiness is certainly a great feeling. Happiness is generally linked to experiencing more positive feelings than negative.Happines does have a pretty important role on our lives ,and it can have an huge impact on the way we choose to live our lives.

What makes me happy?

1.My family: Our parents are the most precious gift given to us by God. I have never see God before neither do I know what he looks like and so therefore I my parents are in form of God to me on this earth. The quality time I get to spend with my family makes me very happy. My family is a safe harbor where I can be myself. The intense love and care my family provides me with can't be compared to anything in this world. I am always happy when my family shower me with love and care. I believe no one could care and worry about you as much as your family. When I see my family healthy and smiling ,my heart gets filled with joy. In as much as my family members are happy then I would also be happy.


My beautiful family

2.Good food: I love to eat and am a bit of a picky eater,but there are some specific food I really do love eating. I could eat the same food everyday if it's something I really enjoy. Cornflakes is a very good example of this .I love taking this every morning as it's makes me happy and relieved.

Thanks for reading me and have a nice day.

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What makes me happy. was published on and last updated on 22 Oct 2021.