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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

What makes you feel better?

Hello everyone,

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My topic for today is what makes me feel better.

The first thing that makes me feel better is hanging out with friends and family,like going to the beach,going to cinemas to watch interesting movies,and also visiting tourist centres.

I also get to feeling better when am given good food,most especially Junks and noodles, I love them alot.

Having to travel to see new places and also meet new people also makes me feel better.

One of the other thing that makes me feel better is sleeping well,I sleep for atleast 8 hours a day ,and yes it makes me feel better and okay.

Yeah, those are the few things that makes me feel better. pBMyo3B2Sao45kGEB1kRY9cJBFGQnrPp2qChGHkgVjzu1y6XFCd4yc3V5ZnrbLjPixgenQFLESwQg7vDnJzR6hVHwvYnwLgA9CBW5nJmFjz9UUW4Zj5QBiLTWyHjixoFsrSGRL8cjSUcEn5kAfSMjMQNQoXVjxnUz6F64TiRDihLaR7L.jpeg

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What makes you feel better? was published on and last updated on 05 May 2021.