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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

What would a perfect world be like?

Hello everyone,how are you?

Hola a todos como estan?

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Yeah,today I will be talking or explaining more about the question"What would a perfect world be like".

In a perfect world there won't be sorrow,aging,death,illness,defects ,also there won't be no struggle in order to survive.

En un mundo perfecto no habrá dolor, envejecimiento, muerte, enfermedad, defectos, tampoco habrá lucha para sobrevivir.

But then imagine a world where Everyone can earn money without working?People would become lazy , they would'nt want to work anymore or use their effort to do something,since they can earn money easily without working.

¿Pero entonces imagina un mundo donde todos puedan ganar dinero sin trabajar? La gente se volvería perezosa, no querría trabajar más o usar su esfuerzo para hacer algo, ya que pueden ganar dinero fácilmente sin trabajar.

Or what will the word look like if people are are not dying? The world would just be having too many people in it.(be it bad or good people)

¿O cómo se verá la palabra si la gente no se está muriendo? El mundo simplemente tendría demasiada gente en él (ya sea gente mala o buena).

So if you would ask me,what the perfect would would be like,I will say a place whereby those who are poor are given the same right or treated the same way as those who are wealthy

Entonces, si me preguntaran cómo sería lo perfecto, diré un lugar en el que a los pobres se les otorgue el mismo derecho o se les trate de la misma manera que a los ricos.

.A world where we can live our lives to the fullest knowing we will give up the ghost someday,and the people left behind will be aware of the fact that we lived a good life and not a miserable life.

Un mundo donde podamos vivir nuestras vidas al máximo sabiendo que algún día abandonaremos el fantasma, y las personas que quedan atrás serán conscientes del hecho de que vivimos una buena vida y no una vida miserable.

The perfect world would be that place where the rights of the people are not been violated or infringed ,a word whereby everyone would love and care for one another.A word whereby each person go through pains but also gets to enjoy afterwards.

El mundo perfecto sería ese lugar donde no se violen ni vulneren los derechos de las personas, una palabra en la que todos se amen y se preocupen por los demás, una palabra en la que cada uno sufra dolores pero también disfrute después.

The world we live in is full of wicked people, people who don't care about the welfare of others, people who would like to harm their fellowmen, for their own selfish reasons.

El mundo en el que vivimos está lleno de gente malvada, gente a la que no le importa el bienestar de los demás, gente a la que le gustaría dañar a sus semejantes, por sus propias razones egoístas.

And so,I don't think we would be having a perfect world anytime soon.

Entonces, no creo que tengamos un mundo perfecto pronto.


I made use of Google translate for translating the text.

**Thanks for reading.**and have a nice day.

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What would a perfect world be like? was published on and last updated on 13 May 2021.