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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

What would you put on a billboard?

God day everyone,

Today i will be talking about the question "What will you put on a billboard".

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A billboard is a large outdoor board used for displaying advertisements.source

Ads on billboard are free to passers by ,they don't have to buy a newspaper,a magazine or a cinema ticket in order to view a message.

Advertising on billboard allows you to reach many people faster and cheaper than any other mass marketing media.

**What will you place on a billboard?**

As for me ,I will make use of the billboard to advertise my works ,products and the things I sell or do,but since I am not working for now,I will rather make use of the billboard to promote my sisters business,and help her advertise what she sells.

I will also make use of the billboard,to help Nigerians know more about the hive blockchain,so as for them to also benefit from it .

Thanks for reading ,and have a nice day .

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What would you put on a billboard? was published on and last updated on 16 May 2021.