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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Who are you a product of? Meaning who did you listen to growing up

Good day everyone,

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Today I will be talking about the person whom I listened to growing up.

I have lived 18 years of my life listening to my teachers in school,my friends,my siblings and also some people I have met in one stage of my life or the other.

But with my wonderful mom I have learned alot about life.

She has taught me different aspects of life, taught me how to behave in good manners, taught me to always be strong and to always work hard, taught me to always have respect for elders.

She imposed good moral values in me,and even though she was a single mother she gave me the education I needed just for me to be able to achieve my goals in life.

She has been and would always be my role model,she is someone I would always look up to. She taught me that no matter whether life is tough,it can be handled in a better way. She also tells me to always take whatever life brings to me, because life can't always be fair,we just have to go through some difficult challenges in life.

So yeah,I listened to my mum while growing up.

Thanks for reading fam.

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Who are you a product of? Meaning who did you listen to growing up was published on and last updated on 22 Sep 2021.