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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Who do you consider family?

Good day everyone,

Today I will be talking about the question which says "Who do you consider family?

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Family is a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit.

Family can be defined as a person or people who share a bond with us, it relates to people who live in the same community with us in the same home, people who we share blood ties with.

Basically, my family is anyone close to me ,those i share my goals, feelings with. Why do I think this way? Because I feel that since family is the people we usually spend the most time with, we should surround ourselves with people who really contribute to our well-being and help us grow.

For me, I have a small family consisting of my mum,my sisters and my brothers in terms of blood traits, but I have more members who are my friends that i share similar traits ,thoughts and goals with.

I believe anyone could become my family in as much their values and their ways of seeing things coordinates with mine.

Thanks for reading.

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Who do you consider family? was published on and last updated on 22 Aug 2021.