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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Who is jay-one?

Hello hivers,


Today I will be talking about myself or sell myself to the great hive Naija Community.

My name is Sotubo oluwajuwon Oluwale known here as @jay-one which is my nickname gotten from my name juwon. I am the last child in a family of 7 ,but my dad has another wife who also gave birth to 5 children so approximately he has ten children. I was given birth to in August 21 2003,I am little bit tall and dark in complexion and I have a big head hahaha.I love singing even though my voice is not pretty good and I also love dancing as well.

I might be shy and lazy at times but not always lazy when it comes to making money, because I love and cherish money alot.

I'm a student and and a blogger I have been on the blockchain blogging for about 7 months now. I am a christian and I fear God alot and glorify him because he is only the way to achieve great things in life.. I enjoy eating biscuits alot. I am from Ogun state and that's where am living currently. I love watching action movies and I also love playing pad video games.

I believe my engagement in writing , dropping comments and upvoting other people's content and taking part in different contests in the community ,adds a great worth to the community,it may seem small but it does have a great influence on the community.

Why you should look forward to my post?

I create quality and great contents,and I also post about my experience and the way I see thing from my own perspective.I always try my best to add little fun to my posts and most importantly try to pass am important message across. You could checkout my posts and trust me you could learn atleast one or two important and useful things from them.

Thanks for reading fam.

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Who is jay-one? was published on and last updated on 15 Sep 2021.