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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Why did a sinless Jesus Christ get baptized?(part 1 of 2)

This video is in response to what I learnt from brother Eli's video

Matthew 3 vs 13-15 says Them cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John,to be baptized of him,but job forbade him,saying I have need to be baptized of there,and comest thou to me?And Jesus answered him and said ,Suffer it now,for this become of us to fulfill all righteousness.

Jesus got baptized by John in Jordan,not because he is a sinner,but because he needs to fulfill all righteousness.

Hebrews chapter 10 vs 7 says Then I come in the volume of the book,it is written of me,to do thy will o God.

He fulfilled all that were written exclusively for him,and that includes the baptism that was done to him by John.

The book of Luke chapter 24 vs 44 says And he said unto them,these are the words which I spoke unto you,while I was yet with you,that all things must be fulfilled,which are written in the law of Moses,and in the prophets,and in the Psalms ,concerning me.

There were things that was written in the law of Moses ,in the prophets and in psalm to be fulfilled by our Lord Jesus Christ and he made sure he fulfilled them.

Jesus Christ was baptized to take us away from wilderness ,and to make us follow God's path.


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Why did a sinless Jesus Christ get baptized?(part 1 of 2) was published on and last updated on 23 Mar 2021.