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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

When does a person get a spirit?

This video is in response to what I learnt from brother Eli's video;

The bible tell us that Levi paid tithes, when he was still in the loins of Abraham.

Jeremiah 1 vs 5 (KJV) Before,I formed thee in the belly,I knew thee,and before thou camest forthout of the womb,I sanctified thee,and I ordained thee as a prophet unto the nation's.

Jeremiah was already know by God even before he was formed in the belly.

Luke 1 vs 15 (KJV) For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord,and shall drink neither wine nor strong drinks,and he shall be filled with the Holy ghost,even from his mother's womb.

The presence of John the Baptist was already filled with holy ghost ,even from when he was in his mother's womb.

In a nutshell,The spirit of a man can be in existence even before he is formed in the belly,or when he is formed in the belly.

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When does a person get a spirit? was published on and last updated on 24 Apr 2021.