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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Why is there death if there is God(part 2 of 3)

Acts chapter 17 vs 31 says Because he has appointed a day,in which he will judge the whole world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained ,where of he hath given assurance unto all men,in he hath raised him from the dead.

The death of Jesus Christ teaches us that we will also die ,and we will also resurrect from the dead to face judgement.

Eccletsiates chpt. 8 vs 8 says There is no man that has the power over the spirit to retain the spirit ,neither has the power in the day of death ,and there is no discharge in that war , neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it.

No man has the power to escape death.

We will all become helpless when the time for judgement ,which marks the end of the world,and also the Bible tells us that it will come like a thief in the night. Death tells us that there is someone who owns our lives or has control over our lives and that we are alive because he permits us to live.

Acts chapt. 17 vs 28 says For in him we live ,and move and have our being ,as certain also of your own poets have said ,for we are also his offspring.

If God doesn't want us to exist then we will all die. When we are alive it means that God has given us a chance to follow ,obey and worship him,and also we should always give thanks to him for keeping us alive.

Proverbs chapt. 10 vs 27 says The fear of God prolongs the days but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.

God shall prolong the days of those who worship and serve him,and also shorten the days of those full of wicked thoughts and also death is not something evil ,rather it came to the world as a result of sin.

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Why is there death if there is God(part 2 of 3) was published on and last updated on 07 Apr 2021.