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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Why is there death if there is God(part 3 of 3)

This video is in response to what I learnt from brother Eli's video:

Isiah chapter 57 vs 1 says The righteous perisheth,and no man layeth to heart ,and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from evil to come.

Death is not something evil,some people fear death because they think it's something evil,It doesn't mean evil to those who serve God.

According to the bible,death also means salvation ,the righteous also perish ,those who were righteous in the Bible like John the Baptist,Abraham,Noah also died,even our Lord Jesus Christ who was the most perfect or most righteous person that ever lived on Earth also died.

Deuteronomy chapter 32 vs 39 says See now that I even ,I am here and there is no god with me,I kill and save lives ,I wound and I heal:neither is there anyone that can deliver out of my hands.

There is no one who has the power to deliver a person from the hands of God,he exists and we need to believe that he truly exists.

Death teaches us to be holy,to always exhibit self-control and also love one another as we are still alive on Earth. It also proves the existence of God.

We should be prepared to die someday and so we need to do things that are expected of us while we are still alive.

In a nutshell,Death is not evil rather it is a way by God to take you from evil that is to come .

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Why is there death if there is God(part 3 of 3) was published on and last updated on 08 Apr 2021.