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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Will Animals and pets go to heaven (part 4 of 4)

This video is in response to what I learnt from brother Eli's video;

Revelation chapter 4 vs 6-7 says And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal and in the midst of the throne,were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. The first beast had the face of a lion,the second beast had the face of a calf ,the third beast had the face of a man,and the fourth beast had the face of a flying eagle.

When Apostle John was taken to the new heaven in vision ,he say four beasts ,they had the face of a lion,a calf,a man and a flying eagle,this four beasts had the face of some animals but they were never real animals.

The new heaven and Earth does not allow any form of pets and animals according to the prophecy of this book,and so if any man adds to the book by saying pets and animals will go to heaven because they have souls and spirits then he should be already to face the wrath of God.

In a nutshell,animals and pets have souls and spirits ,but there are souls are not meant by God to exist in the new heaven and Earth.

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Will Animals and pets go to heaven (part 4 of 4) was published on and last updated on 22 Mar 2021.