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Sotubo Oluwajuwon

Your house is on fire ,and you can grab one item(non-living)?

Hello everyone, hope I meet you all doing good?

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This is a good question,I would love to answer.

Though no one ever prays his or her house to catch fire,but at time things like this happens unexpectedly . If my house cathes fire,there are lot of non-living things I would love to grab ,but still there is the most important of them all,and that is my cellphone.

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My cellphone contains the passwords and keys (which can't be assimilated because they are too long) needed for me to get back into my hive account,and so if my phone gets burnt,I will loose all the money I have been striving to get,and also all my efforts will be in vain.

Also I won't be able to get a new phone for a long time since all the money I have are kept in my Hive wallet.

Lastly,If my phone catches fire,I wont be able to get through to my friends, because I would loose all their numbers,and having to get their numbers one by one again would be a difficult and a stressful thing to do,also I would loose some important files that has been saved on my phone.

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Thanks for reading,and have a nice day.

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Your house is on fire ,and you can grab one item(non-living)? was published on and last updated on 28 May 2021.